Everything that Rises Must Converge // Group Exhibition
We are pleased to invite you to the opening event of the group exhibition Everything that Rises Must Converge, on Tuesday 09.10.2018, at 18:00, a collateral event of the Qalandiya International 2018.
The title of this exhibition is borrowed from the work of the French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin titled The Phenomenon of Man: "Remain true to yourself, but move ever upward toward greater consciousness and greater love! At the summit you will find yourselves united with all those who, from every direction, have made the same ascent. For everything that rises must converge." Although de Chardin’s idea of this culminating zenith (otherwise known as the “Omega Point”) is bound-up in spiritual and theological philosophy, it provides an animated image of unity and amalgamation as a movement of ascension. A movement which spirals upwards to form a single sublime unit. In thinking about solidarity one cannot help but conjure up a similar image of crowds assembling and rising up together in order to form a single unified mass. This exhibition, therefore, contemplates the notion of solidarity as the highest point one can reach, much like de Chardin’s “Omega point,” and suggests that it can only be arrived at through a rising movement of upheaval and revolt. It also seeks to examine what could inspire a movement of insurrection, and, in turn, ask if solidarity is the ultimate Omega point, then what would follow suit?
Curators: Layan Assayed & Rabia Salfiti
Participating artists: Hadi Khalil, Rabia Salfiti, May Herbawe, Elias Wakeem and Maiada Aboud.
The Apple, Art Performance, Maiada Aboud
طاسة الرعبة، لمي حرباوي